
Horizon Distance

An brief exploration into line-of-sight distance limitations.

Asking ChatGPT to plot the data

Asking ChatGPT to plot the data

ChatGPT generated graph

ChatGPT generated graph

The tables below show height vs horizon distance. Recall that horizon distance is half the communication distance if both parties are at the same elevation.

| height_meters | horizon_kilometers |
|       2       |        5.05        |
|       5       |        7.98        |
|       10      |       11.29        |
|       20      |       15.96        |
|      100      |       35.70        |
|      500      |       79.82        |
|      1000     |       112.88       |
|      2500     |       178.50       |
|      5000     |       252.46       |
|      7500     |       309.23       |
|     10000     |       357.10       |
| height_feet | horizon_miles |
|      5      |      2.74     |
|      10     |      3.87     |
|      50     |      8.66     |
|     100     |     12.25     |
|     500     |     27.38     |
|     1000    |     38.72     |
|     2000    |     54.76     |
|     4000    |     77.45     |
|     8000    |     109.54    |
|    10000    |     122.47    |
|    20000    |     173.22    |
|    30000    |     212.17    |

Here is the script used to generate the above tables.