
Study — Abbreviations


K       -.-                 # "over"
R       .-.                 # "roger", "received"
C       -.-.                # "Correct", "Yes", "Affirmative"
N       -.                  # "negative"
W       .--                 # "watts"
?       ..--..              # "say again?"
/       -..-.               # slash or stroke

72      --.../..---         # "regards (from QRP station)"
73      --.../...--         # "regards"
AA      .-/.-               # "all after..."
AB      .-/-...             # "all before..."
BK      -.../-.-            # "break", "over", "back to you"
CU      -.-./..-            # "See you"
DE      -../.               # "this is", "from"
EL      ./.-..              # "element"
NM      -./--               # "name is"
DR      -../.-.             # "dear"
OM      ---/--              # "old man"
EE      ./.                 # "done", "eot", "clear on your final"
ES      ./...               # "and", see also "&" (.-...)
FB      ..-./-...           # "fine business"
GA      --./.-              # "good afternoon"
GB      --./-...            # "goodbye"
GE      --./.               # "good evening"
GL      --./.-..            # "good luck"
GM      --./--              # "good morning"
HR      ..../.-.            # "here"
OP      ---/.--.            # "operator"
TU      -/..-               # "thank you"
UR      ..-/.-.             # "your", "you're"
YL      -.--/.-..           # "young lady"
SN      .../-.              # "soon"
NR      -./.-.              # "number follows" or "near <location>"
NW      -./.--              # "now"
OK      ---/-.-             # "okay"
OK?     ---/-.-/..--..      # "okay?"

AGN     .-/--./-.           # "again"
QTH     --.-/-/....         # "location"
FRM     ..-./.-./--         # "from"
CFM     -.-./..-./--        # "Confirm"
GNI     --./-./..           # "goodnight"
GUD     --./..-/-..         # "good"
HPE     ..../.--./.         # "hope"
NIL     -./../.-..          # "nothing heard"
PSE     .--./.../.          # "please"
PLS     .--./.-../...       # "please"
RST     .-./.../-           # "RST" (readability-strength-tone)
TKS     -/-.-/...           # "thanks"
TNX     -/-./-..-           # "thanks"
TRX     -/.-./-..-          # "transmitter"
SLD     .../.-../-..        # "solid"
ANT     .-/-./-             # "antenna"
QSO     --.-/.../---        # "contact", "exchange"
BTU     -.../-/..-          # "back to you"
WID     .--/../-..          # "with"

HW?     ..../.--/..--..     # "how copy?"
HW      ..../.--            # "how"
CPY     -.-./.--./-.--      # "copy"

BURO    -.../..-/.-./---    # "QSO Bureau"
RPRT    .-./.--./.-./-      # "report"

CUAGN  -.-./..-/.-/--./-.  # "see you again"
